We couldn't do it without them!
Our Team
Our Wedding Party
These friends and family represent the best of our relationship, we couldn’t be more excited for them to be apart of our wedding representing the past, present and future of our lives.
Sarah’s Side
Maid of Honor
Robin March
My sister of 31 years!
Sierra Cody
One of my best friends who I’ve known since 7th grade, now we’ve both been living in Portland for the last decade!
Alainie Hersh
My OTHER best friend since 7th grade. That’s right, I am that lucky!
Maggie Kaynor
My third bestie, this time, college edition. Maggie and I soared through school together with no bumps whatsoever and got our first big-girl apartment together after we graduated!
Jacklyn Camacho
I met Jacki as one of Kyle’s best friends from college, and over the past seven years, we’ve built a meaningful friendship of our own. We even grew up in the same area, which has made our connection even more special!
Kyle’s Side
Best Man
Isaac Camacho
College roomies turned lifelong friends Isaac is an honest, whole hearted, funny guy who’s walked the steps of adulthood side by side with Kyle.
Jason Ha
Best friends since high school, Jason and Kyle have shared so many memories, he’s also one of the most caring, generous, outgoing friends Kyle’s ever met.
Tenzin Samkhar
A college friend and roommate Tenzin is a genuine, trusting, and honest person who’s connection and dedication always inspires Kyle.
Kyle Kendrick
Desk mates for over 6 years, ‘the Kyles,’ built a bond much larger than work, a true inspiration and mentor who’s kept “K2” on the path of achieving his dreams in design and in life.
Brian Keksi
A random meet and greet turned lasting friendship, Brian has all the enthusiasm, dedication, positivity, and all around great attitude a friend could ask for.
Our Partners
There’s plenty involved in putting together our wedding and our partners are here to help make it perfect. We wanted to give them a shoutout and If you see them at the wedding be sure to say hi!
Venue Manager
A Special Thanks
We couldn’t achieve the wedding of our dreams without the help from our parents, a special shoutout to them helping us through the process!
Keith & Karen March
Parents of the Bride with our local connection, helping us with our decor, Sunday Brunch, and so many other parts of pulling everything together. Give them an extra thanks or high five if you see them!
Tim & Lauri Zadina
Parents of the Groom helping us with our Friday meet and greet party and so many other parts and pieces of our wedding. Give them an extra thanks or high five if you see them!
Our Lil VIPs
Without these two we wouldn’t be the couple we are today, we’ll miss them during the wedding weekend but they’ll be there in sprit!
Best Girlie
Beep has been with Sarah since she was less than a year old. Now at the age of 8 she loves her naps and still gets that spark of energy to play! Also, Beep is the Daughter of her sister Robins cat Little Miss!
Best Boy
Our ‘Covid Kitten,’ we traveled up to Puyallup WA to pick him up and he’s been a fun ball of energy ever since. He enjoys cuddling up by our feet at night and loves hanging in our Catio watching the birds.

Beep & Sarah, New Years 2024

Luka getting Pets, 2024

Beep and Luka on the bed, 2023

Beep in her favorite spot, 2023

Beepers on the roof! March, 2020

Baby Luka! May 2020

Baby Luka with Sarah. May 2020

Beep & Luka. 2022